
by (주)지새움



Course-oriented evaluation support application continuity for teachers! Easily evaluate and conveniently organize resultsAnd, it saves precious time of busy teachers. ★ Important information before use- The current resolution is optimized for 8-inch and 10-inch Android tablets. (As soon as possibleI will upload it in smartphone resolution.) - After registering as a member, access the website (http://contii.co.kr) and access the basic data (student registration, evaluation plan)Write, etc.) in order to log in normally in the application. - Please use Chrome to access the website. - The user manual can be downloaded from the link below. https://url.kr/gkf8qx★ To upload the student list from the site, download the Excel form and edit it.You must designate the name as “student”. ★ Required access rightsWhen you run the app for the first time, you must allow access to photos and videos. ★ Main Features1. Instead of cumbersome paper documents, you can record evaluations with just a touch through the app and view the results at a glance on the website.You can check the course. 2. You can even create a checklist at once just by writing an evaluation plan. 3. In the subject evaluation menu, students evaluation results can be left as photos and videos, soEvidence data for table appearance, physical education, and music evaluation can also be easily collected, making it difficult to manage students who are inconvenient and difficult to manage.There is no need to create a personal file folder. 4. You can record the level of student development through the competency evaluation menu. 5. Evaluation results can be sent to parents as an ‘online portfolio’, and a printout with a separate form is also available.Available. 6. You can check the evaluation results by subject on the website, and you can study through the Nice Upload program.Final grades can also be conveniently processed. The nice upload program is from the link below.You can download it. https://url.kr/gkf8qx★ Upgraded version update is planned in June and continues to increase the convenience of teachersis under development